Stilll Going Strong
I once mentioned in a previous blog entry and a letter to the founders of Phoenix Dodgeball that sometimes it is difficult to keep going, that sometimes it is difficult to say to yourself: this needs to get done and I definitely experienced that last year. I endured a personal hardship that although was a long time coming, I was not prepared for and the momentum generated, the success made with Tucson Dodgeball suffered for it.
An organization is only as strong as its leaders and I was not strong then. It took a few months to even feel the sense of drive and ambition that once came easily and it was enough for me to do the bare minimum...and the "bare minimum" is what kills start ups of any kind. Without going into too much detail, I gradually pulled myself out of this rut and it began to reflect on Tucson Dodgeball as a whole. Burned bridges were rebuilt, new elements were introduced to the competitive league and momentum was starting to pick up again. All of course, with the assistance of others that was greatly needed and always appreciated.
Tucson Dodgeball withstood its biggest test when I left for Bagram Air Base Afghanistan in October of 2011. I placed Tucson Dodgeball into the hands of an upcoming and promising individual which took me by surprise yet, he responded to every email, asked questions and was not afraid to make decisions for himself when I was unable to either make an answer or if one was needed quicker than I could offer. This was also a crucial test for myself as I had to overcome the fear of letting go and allowing someone the power to make decisions in my stead and not only trusting in them but backing them up as well.
We both passed. Tucson Dodgeball will be around if I am not in the picture, for whatever reason. It has proved this within weeks at a time in the past and after withstanding months at a time with my six month absence it was not only sustained but also generated more progress and to me that is a sure fire sign of success.
Coming back into the scene has been rough. I've not been in Tucson more than two weeks since my return in May due to lingering military obligations to my unit, with another departure shortly on the way but I've been able to asses where we are and where we're going is very promising but also attainable. I didn't come back to a broken home, or a ruin of what we were but minor tweaks that have been imposed and are already getting us much more polished.
Tonight we began our 2012 Summer Season for the competitive league and my goodness, it is exciting. The energy, the attitude and the competition is all there and as we have refined our rules, as we plan on hosting a referee clinic this Saturday, as more people step up and take on more responsibility we are going to make this one the best yet and a continued model of which to base others off of. It is not enough anymore to just play in a league and go home. If that's all you want to do then kudos to you but there are awards to win, sponsorships to take advantage of, individual improvements to make, sharper eyes behind the whistles players to look out for and highlight videos to watch. Preseason gave everyone a taste of it and everyone wants more.
On a side note, I brought something I had wanted for well over five years now: a radar gun as a way to add spice to this season. Every season I make it a point to incorporate somethng new, some way to interact with the players and afford them chances to enhance their overall league experience and being able to see how fast you can throw a Dodgeball in legitimate M.P.H. was very thrilling. It was a milestone for Tucson Dodgeball.
Everything I went through a year ago, made me a much more solid man and an even better individual. I am smarter, stronger, wiser and tougher where I needed to be, although I suck at Dodgeball right now, only showing moments of my former Hurricane Brilliance but I know its coming back. But that's fine. As an individual, I am ready to continue stirring the sleeping giant that is Tucson Dodgeball and usher in a new (Dodgeball) era of awesome experiences, great memories and enhancing our brand.
Our organization will be strong because I am strong.
Highlights since last post:
- Hosted 2nd Annual DDAY and I am Legend Tournament (Highly successful)
- Team Evil has won four straight Phoenix Dodgeball League championships
- Introduced the Player's Choice Awards (still under refinement)
- Secured a new venue: The Maracana Indoor Sports Arena (Turf baby!)
- Developed a youth program to be launched by end of summer
- Acquired a freaking RADAR GUN!
Tucson Dodgeball has been around for eight years...yet, we've only just begun.
An organization is only as strong as its leaders and I was not strong then. It took a few months to even feel the sense of drive and ambition that once came easily and it was enough for me to do the bare minimum...and the "bare minimum" is what kills start ups of any kind. Without going into too much detail, I gradually pulled myself out of this rut and it began to reflect on Tucson Dodgeball as a whole. Burned bridges were rebuilt, new elements were introduced to the competitive league and momentum was starting to pick up again. All of course, with the assistance of others that was greatly needed and always appreciated.
Tucson Dodgeball withstood its biggest test when I left for Bagram Air Base Afghanistan in October of 2011. I placed Tucson Dodgeball into the hands of an upcoming and promising individual which took me by surprise yet, he responded to every email, asked questions and was not afraid to make decisions for himself when I was unable to either make an answer or if one was needed quicker than I could offer. This was also a crucial test for myself as I had to overcome the fear of letting go and allowing someone the power to make decisions in my stead and not only trusting in them but backing them up as well.
We both passed. Tucson Dodgeball will be around if I am not in the picture, for whatever reason. It has proved this within weeks at a time in the past and after withstanding months at a time with my six month absence it was not only sustained but also generated more progress and to me that is a sure fire sign of success.
Coming back into the scene has been rough. I've not been in Tucson more than two weeks since my return in May due to lingering military obligations to my unit, with another departure shortly on the way but I've been able to asses where we are and where we're going is very promising but also attainable. I didn't come back to a broken home, or a ruin of what we were but minor tweaks that have been imposed and are already getting us much more polished.
Tonight we began our 2012 Summer Season for the competitive league and my goodness, it is exciting. The energy, the attitude and the competition is all there and as we have refined our rules, as we plan on hosting a referee clinic this Saturday, as more people step up and take on more responsibility we are going to make this one the best yet and a continued model of which to base others off of. It is not enough anymore to just play in a league and go home. If that's all you want to do then kudos to you but there are awards to win, sponsorships to take advantage of, individual improvements to make, sharper eyes behind the whistles players to look out for and highlight videos to watch. Preseason gave everyone a taste of it and everyone wants more.
On a side note, I brought something I had wanted for well over five years now: a radar gun as a way to add spice to this season. Every season I make it a point to incorporate somethng new, some way to interact with the players and afford them chances to enhance their overall league experience and being able to see how fast you can throw a Dodgeball in legitimate M.P.H. was very thrilling. It was a milestone for Tucson Dodgeball.
Everything I went through a year ago, made me a much more solid man and an even better individual. I am smarter, stronger, wiser and tougher where I needed to be, although I suck at Dodgeball right now, only showing moments of my former Hurricane Brilliance but I know its coming back. But that's fine. As an individual, I am ready to continue stirring the sleeping giant that is Tucson Dodgeball and usher in a new (Dodgeball) era of awesome experiences, great memories and enhancing our brand.
Our organization will be strong because I am strong.
Highlights since last post:
- Hosted 2nd Annual DDAY and I am Legend Tournament (Highly successful)
- Team Evil has won four straight Phoenix Dodgeball League championships
- Introduced the Player's Choice Awards (still under refinement)
- Secured a new venue: The Maracana Indoor Sports Arena (Turf baby!)
- Developed a youth program to be launched by end of summer
- Acquired a freaking RADAR GUN!
Tucson Dodgeball has been around for eight years...yet, we've only just begun.
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