Thursday, December 16, 2010

Lessons Learned

I find it funny that I have begun the last two posts with "needing to update this more" and attempting to summarize all that has occurred by informing the reader I am sparing them from "reading a novel" but a lot of time has passed since my last I should not only probably update more frequently but also...present everything in a concise format so's not to have the HA!

October saw the launch of our new Recreational League and aside from the good folks at World Dodgeball Society in LA (formerly known as the L.A. Dodgeball Society) elevated Tucson to a monumental achievement in Dodgeball: managing two leagues. Yes, there are two leagues in Phoenix: AzDodgeball and Phoenix Dodgeball but they are separate entities. Tucson Dodgeball is a single entity and always at the whim of our venues, so the ability to run operations out of two separate venues and run two separate and distinct leagues was quite the accomplishment. A tribute to our volunteers, one Manny Smith and the dedication and passion of those that not only play, but do their best to recruit new members. Yes, for once the glory is not all mine and for that I am entirely grateful.

Speaking of, I was away on Air Force Reserve duty for three weeks, missing half the Recreational Season along with a good chunk of the Competitive Season and guess what? I returned to a fully functioning dual league organization with no issues. People stepped up, helped out and all went well. We even rolled out a new element of the Competitive Division: "Challenge Week" as proudly borrowed by our good friends at Phoenix Dodgeball and it was well received and well ran.

I came in just in time to run the Recreational Division playoffs, congrats to The Warriors by the way on their undefeated season and see my team knocked out in the first round by Lucha Patrol in the Competitive Division. The winners, Jeff Goldblum and the Chaoticians had been taking up second place for a few seasons now and their win was well earned and hard fought.

The wristbands, although I did nothing to sell them, succeeded in being presented as an award, a "thank you" for helping out Tucson Dodgeball and they are and were worn with pride by those who stepped up these passed seasons. They turned out to be a great way to say "thanks" and reinforce the fact that we're growing...

The Recreational League proved successful in that it taught me a lot of lessons I was fortunate enough to learn now as opposed to promoting a larger league with a larger attempt at marketing it. I will list those lessons later. (I really will).

All in all, it was a great year for Tucson Dodgeball (knocks on wood) and depending on how the leadership can steer its course, may be an even greater year...keeping the Boys and Girls Club Gym or not.

Also, Team Evil won season 13 in AzDodgeball and their place on the Turkey Cup. Team Evil also won the Open Division in Phoenix Dodgeball...Team Evil is once again a force to be reckoned with.


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